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The HTMA Testing Programme

Image by Brooke Lark

1-1 HTMA Test intensive programme

This intensive 1-on-1 session is designed for women seeking to understand the underlying causes of common health issues, such as persistent fatigue, low energy, digestive problems, painful or irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, and skin conditions. Through a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), you can uncover the root causes of your symptoms and receive a personalised plan to help you regain your vitality.

Hair mineral testing serves as an invaluable screening tool, offering insight into the inner workings of your body without the need for guesswork or blind experimentation on your path to optimal health. While the test doesn't diagnose specific diseases, its analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of your body's functionality. It reveals your current stress levels, identifies potential heavy metal exposure or toxicity, and even sheds light on your metabolic type. By examining your mineral status and ratios, this test offers a holistic view of your overall health, guiding you towards informed decisions and targeted interventions for improved well-being

Why Minerals Matter

Minerals are the building blocks of good health, vital for functions like metabolism, hormone balance, thyroid regulation, and digestion. Unfortunately, many women suffer from mineral deficiencies without even knowing it, leading to issues such as:

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Inflammation

  • Thyroid issues

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Weakened immune system

  • Digestive issues (IBS symptoms)

  • Persistent tiredness 

  • Anxiety

  • Blood sugar imbalances

  • Skin and hair issues

The HTMA test provides a comprehensive look at your body's mineral status and can reveal imbalances, toxic metal exposure, and more. This data can help you move beyond guesswork to address your health concerns with targeted strategies.

What is part of the HTMA programme?

  • 15-Minute Preliminary Call: This short call helps us gather your information and guide you through the HTMA test process.

  • HTMA Test: The test is sent directly to your home - Tests results are usually sent back to me within 6 - 10 days for me to analyise

  • 60-Minute Deep Dive Session: We discuss your HTMA results in detail, providing insights into your current health status and stress levels.

  • Personalised Plan: A customised roadmap to improve your health, focusing on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplements (if needed) to restore your mineral balance.

  • 30 minute progress call - A call 6 - 8 weeks later to discuss progress / changes in your health and wellness, and to see if any further gudience would be beneficial to support you to reach your health goals.

Investment: £350

Start Your Journey

If you're tired of health issues holding you back and want to get your health and wellness back on track then this programme is for you. Contact me to book your initial consultation and start exploring the root causes of your symptoms through HTMA analysis

How is a HTMA test different to a blood test?

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test provides insights into your body's mineral status and heavy metal exposure by analyzing a small sample of hair. Because hair grows continuously and captures mineral deposits as it does, the HTMA test offers a record of your body's mineral levels over a period of time, typically around 3 months.

Here's how it reflects your body's functioning during that time:

  1. Hair as a Biological Record: As hair grows, it accumulates various substances from your bloodstream, including minerals and trace elements. This process creates a biological record of your body's mineral status during the growth period. Since hair typically grows about half an inch per month, a sample that is about 1.5 inches long reflects roughly three months of mineral accumulation.

  2. Long-Term Overview: Blood tests, in contrast, provide a snapshot of your body's current status, often affected by recent dietary or environmental changes. An HTMA test, however, captures a broader perspective by analysing a longer-term accumulation of minerals, allowing you to understand trends and patterns in your body's mineral balance over time.

  3. Mineral Ratios and Imbalances: The HTMA test examines the levels of various minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, and potassium, and their ratios. These ratios can indicate how your body has been functioning, pointing out imbalances that might affect your energy levels, stress response, and overall health.

  4. Stress and Toxicity Levels: The test can also detect toxic metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, or cadmium. These heavy metals can disrupt bodily functions and contribute to chronic health issues. The presence and levels of these metals in your hair indicate your body's exposure to them over the past few months.

  5. Metabolic Type and Stress Levels: Based on mineral patterns, HTMA tests can suggest your metabolic type (fast or slow) and the stage of stress you're in. This information can be helpful in understanding how your body is responding to ongoing stressors and how you can adjust your diet, supplements, and lifestyle to better support your body's functioning.

Overall, an HTMA test can be a valuable tool to assess your body's health over a more extended period, providing a comprehensive look at how you've been functioning in the recent past and offering insights into potential imbalances, toxic exposures, and areas for improvement.


Where do you take the hair sample from?

The best area to take a hair sample from is the back of the head, near the nape of the neck. This spot provides a discreet location for hair removal and usually offers hair of consistent quality.
(I will talk you through this on our call)

When is best to test?

The great thing about this test is that you can test at anytime

Does it matter if my hair is coloured / bleached?

It is best to wait 6 - 8 weeks to do a HTMA test if you have had your hair coloured or bleached.

If you are waiting to get your hair coloured you could always ask you hair dresser to cut a sample for you before you re-colour / highlight your hair.

When taking a hair sample please make sure it is clean and dry without ANY hair product on your sample

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